onsdag den 4. marts 2015

Small little trick to validate if an email address is valid, and getting them as MailAddress objects, even with IDN domain names

The world today is pretty international, which means that we can no longer assume that domain names is only ASCII.

If you try and create a MailAddress object in .NET with an IDN domain, it will fail with a FormatException.

To fix this, I have created two small helper functions.
One that gets a MailAddress object that works both with non-IDN and IDN domain names.
The other uses that one to validate if an email address is valid.

This is pretty smart, since people have a tendency to validate email addresses using different regular expressions, and none of them really works in all cases.

So first - here is how to get an email address for both types of domains:

public static MailAddress GetMailAddress(string email, string name)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || email.Contains(' ') || email.Count(c => c == '@') > 1)
        return null;

        return string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? new MailAddress(email) : new MailAddress(email, name);
    catch (FormatException)
        if (!email.Contains("@") || email.Count(c => c == '@') != 1)
            return null;

        string[] parts = email.Split('@');

            IdnMapping mapping = new IdnMapping();
            return string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ?
                new MailAddress(string.Concat(mapping.GetAscii(parts[0]), "@", mapping.GetAscii(parts[1]))) :
                new MailAddress(string.Concat(mapping.GetAscii(parts[0]), "@", mapping.GetAscii(parts[1])), name);
        catch (ArgumentException)
            return null;
        catch (FormatException)
            return null;

And here is how to use it to validate email addresses:

public static bool ValidateEmailAddress(string email)
    return GetMailAddress(email, string.Empty) != null;

This is smart, since we don't use any regular expressions for it, but just uses .NET's own implementation to validate addresses.

That is really it - and it works everywhere, not just in Sitecore :-)

Bug in WFFM prevents number validation on text fields

There seems to be a bug in WFFM, that causes it to fail to validate entered text as valid numbers.

If you configure it to validate between 1 and 2,147484E+09, it seems to think that as between 1 and 2.

There is a solution, but you have to contact Sitecore Support to get it - if you do, mention you want the solution from the support issue #430157 .

Once the javascript file they mention has been updated, it will once again validate the values correct.

Enabling the Sitecore license ID on the logon screen for Sitecore 8

Since Sitecore 8, for some reason, it seems like the license ID is considered something confidential.

Now, it is no longer rendered by default - however, if you want to have it back at the login screen, change the following setting to false in an include file: Login.DisableLicenseInfo

Once you have done that, it can be accessed from the login screen again.